Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Band Assignment due 11/8/12

Beginning Band:

We really packed in a great deal of work this past rehearsal- pics, recorders, instruments...wow!   You all are off to a great start!  Don't get discouraged if you don't sound so great in the beginning.  I promise it all gets better with practice- 30 minutes at least 5 days a week.  Here is what you need to continue working on:

- Watch instrument DVD if you have one
- Read p.2-3 of your Essential Elements book- I will quiz you in class!
- Buzz/crow your mouthpiece on p. 42 lines 1-12 (Gabe- practice these rhythms alternating hands on the bell set)
- work on EE bk. #1-14 with your CD
- buzz/crow your mouthpiece every chance you get- we have to build up your embouchure (facial muscles used in playing your instrument)!
- Gabe- learn note names on bell set

We will meet this week at Iris Place Retirement Home (on Epps Bridge Road) at 1:25pm.  We are going to have a great Veteran's Day concert!  =-)
Don't forget to bring your recorders and music!  Keep practicing them...

Advanced Band:

Start memorizing the 12 major scales and arpeggios.
Chromatic scale
Syncopated Swing:  Practice with your metronome!
Joyful, Joyful:  Practice phrasing while maintaining correct pitch.
Salute to the Armed Forces: Be certain of your entrances
Marche Militaire: Practice with your metronome
Winchester March: Articulation (marcato)
God Bless America

Monday, October 29, 2012

Band Assignment due 11/1/12

Beginning Band:

Great class on your new instruments today- and I'm so excited to get you started!  Don't get discouraged if you don't sound so great in the beginning.  I promise it all gets better with practice- 30 minutes at least 5 days a week.  Here is what you need to be working on:

- Watch instrument DVD if you have one
- Read p.2-3 of your Essential Elements book- I will quiz you in class!
- Buzz/crow your mouthpiece on p. 42 lines 1-8 (Gabe- practice these rhythms alternating hands on the bell set)
- work on EE bk. #1-10 with your CD
- buzz/crow your mouthpiece every chance you get- we have to build up your embouchure (facial muscles used in playing your instrument)!
- Gabe- learn note names on bell set

Looking forward to some great progress this week!  =-)

Don't forget to bring your recorders and music to class next week!  Keep practicing them...

Intermediate Band:
Hey, guys!! The assignment for next week is the same as this past week's. Keep practicing those scales and your sheet music. There will be a pop-quiz pass-off next Thursday for those of you who did not have the opportunity this time. Happy practicing!

Advanced Band:

12 major scales and arpeggios (White book and I Recommend) Play two eighth-notes on each pitch on the arpeggios as explained in class. Play all with metronome.

Serenade:  Please work out the technical sections using the "untangle" method of practice as we've done in class.  Play slowly and with metronome.

Syncopated Swing: Same instructions.

Joyful, Joyful. Write in all breaths.

Practice all of the sheet music that you are playing with the Intermediate Band.

Review all the terms we've had to date.

Chromatic Scale pass-off is November 1.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Band Assignment due 10/25/12

Beginning Band:
Great job instrument testing this week!  I'm really excited about starting you out on your instruments next week.  Be sure to get your instrument and bring it to band class this week.  I'll have your books ready for you.  Be sure to handle your instruments carefully and keep them away from little people in your family!  They will get their turn later.  =-)

* Practice good posture and breathing while practicing recorder.

* Pass off on "Amazing Grace" and "Ode to Joy" this week.  We will probably use those on our concert- in just a couple of weeks!  It's coming up fast!

* Research and report on famous people who play your instrument.  Let me know if you have ever heard of them or not.

Intermediate Band:
*Practice all three scales (same ones as last week). And, remember, you don't have to play them so quickly.
*Practice Armed Forces Salute, March Militaire, Peter Gunn, and the Winchester March. We will have a pop-quiz pass-off for next week......oh, the horror!!
*Bring all of your books.

Advanced Band:
12 major scales, one octave or more according to your instrument's range

The arpeggios from I Recommend
Chromatic scale pass-off
All Sheet music
Woodwind duets
Terms to know:  meno mosso, ma non troppo, poco a poco, con moto, L'istesso.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Band Assignment due 10/18/12

Beginning Band:
Glad you had a great class with Mrs. Rachel last Thursday.  Looking forward to hearing your progress when I see you all on Oct. 18!
Remember, not everyone will pass-off each week but it is important to make progress through practice each week...

Don't forget Instrument Testing is Oct. 18 from 2-3pm!

* Practice good posture and breathing while practicing recorder.

* Pass off on "When the Saints Go Marching In", "Twinkle..." and as far as you can perform to perfection!  

* Research and report on your favorite band instrument we have talked about in class.  Be sure to include why you like the instrument.

Intermediate Band:
*Practice these scales: Concert Bb, Concert Ab, Concert Eb. You will need to pass off on the Bb and Ab scales, GMEA style.
*Practice your sheet music: the two marches, Peter Gunn, and the Salute.

Advanced Band:
There are no changes. See last week's assignment. We will continue to explore different practicing techniques as we did in class. Happy weekend! Remember to practice over the weekend.
Last Week:
This is how your 45-60 minute practice session should go: 1. Warm-up for 3-5 minutes. 2. Daily exercises (Hilliard 12 major scales, up to 2 octaves when possible, plus your GMEA scales) 10 minutes a day. 3. Chromatic scale full range of your instrument. 5 minutes 4. I Recommend, p. 21 #1 and #2 (practice #1 with different articulations) 10 minutes
5. Serenade, 5 minutes. 6. Syncopated Swing, 5 minutes. 7. Joyful, Joyful, 5 minutes. 8. Allstate Etudes (lyrical and technical, alternate days) 10 minutes. 9. Sheet music: Winchester March, Armed Forces Salute, God Bless America, March Militaire. Spend 10 minutes daily alternating between these.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Assignment due 10/11/12

Beginning Band:
I absolutely love the way this class comes so prepared each week!  Looking forward to some great concert performances in November!
Remember, not everyone will pass-off each week but it is important to make progress through practice each week...

Don't forget Instrument Testing is Oct. 18 from 2-3pm!

* Practice good posture and breathing while practicing recorder

* Pass off on "When the Saints Go Marching In", "Twinkle..." and as far as you can perform to perfection!  

* Research and report verbally 2 flute facts.  Try to stump Mrs. Rachel- it's not going to be easy!  =-)

Intermediate Band folks, please practice:
*Concert Bb, Ab, and Eb scales (one octave), with arpeggios.
*Page 14, numbers 1 & 2, and page 15, number 4 in the HILLIARD book.
*Page 46, number 1 and page 47, number 3 in HILLIARD book.
*Exercise 7 in MAXWELL book.
*Pass Off will be from Peter Gunn.
Please bring all of your sheet music as well. Happy week!

Advanced Band
This is how your 45-60 minute practice session should go: 1. Warm-up for 3-5 minutes. 2. Daily exercises (Hilliard 12 major scales, up to 2 octaves when possible, plus your GMEA scales) 10 minutes a day. 3. Chromatic scale full range of your instrument. 5 minutes 4. I Recommend, p. 21 #1 and #2 (practice #1 with different articulations) 10 minutes
5. Serenade, 5 minutes. 6. Syncopated Swing, 5 minutes. 7. Joyful, Joyful, 5 minutes. 8. Allstate Etudes (lyrical and technical, alternate days) 10 minutes. 9. Sheet music: Winchester March, Armed Forces Salute, God Bless America, March Militaire. Spend 10 minutes daily alternating between these. Just make sure you can play your own part independently of the band! (without audible help from your neighbors!) Great job in rehearsal yesterday!!! Keep working hard! Have a great weekend! Mrs. Rachel

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Band Assignment due 10/4/12

Beginning Band:
Great job this week!  I see Black Belts in the future of quite a few of these students!  =-)
Remember, not everyone will pass-off each week but it is important to make progress through practice each week...
* Practice good posture, correct hold and proper playing techniques on recorder
* Pass off on "Old MacDonald", "When the Saints Go Marching In" and as far as you can perform to perfection! 
* Research and report verbally 2 facts about the brass family of instruments that weren't mentioned in class.

Intermediate Band:
First, you guys rock!! Second, here's your stuff....
*Practice the GMEA scales for concert Bb and Ab. Don't forget to include those arpeggios!!
*Continue to practice the "Winchester March"...some of you still need to pass-off on that one.
*Practice "March Militaire". We will take the tempo up a bit, so make sure you can play it rather quickly.
*Practice "Peter Gunn", concentrating on the passages from measure 17 through measure 28.
We will look at a few numbers in the Maxwell and Hilliard Books, so make sure you have them with you.
Happy practicing!!

Advanced Band Assignment:
Warmup on lip slurs and long tones (Hilliard book, or your choice if you have a private teacher.)
Daily exercises: Scales, Chromatic scale, p. 24-53 of Hilliard book (rotate through these a few each day)
Lyrical etude: Keep working on perfecting it.
Syncopated Swing, learn all three parts.
Serenade, learn all three parts.
Joyful, Joyful- practice and perfect it!
Woodwind duets
I Recommend: complete p. 30 #1-5. Also, p. 10 top line.
I Recommend: Practice p. 21, #1 with these articulations: staccato, leggiero, slur one bar.
Define: syncopation. Come to class with a working definition of this term.
The October pass-off is the chromatic scale in the range for your instrument (see GMEA requirements at www.gmea.org)
Sheet music reminder:
Winchester March
God Bless America
Armed Forces Salute
March Militaire
Review the same terms from last week; sforzando, leggiero, rallentando, ritardando, tenuto, legato.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Band Assignment due 9/27/12

Assignment for 9/27/12

Scripture from this week:
"There was a man sent from God,whose name was John. He came as a witness, to bear witness about the light, that all might believe through him. He was not the light but came to bear witness about the light." John 1:6-8

Beginner Band:

Great job this week! Keep up the good work!
Remember, not everyone will pass-off each week but it is important to make progress through practice each week...
* Practice correct hold and playing techniques on recorder
* Pass off on "It's Raining", "Old MacDonald", and as far as you can perform to perfection!
* Research and report verbally 2 facts about the percussion family of instruments that weren't mentioned in class.

Intermediate Band:

Hilliard Book--page 24, #1; page 27, #7; page 18, #1 and #2
Winchester March -- there WILL be a pass-off next week--on any passage

Advanced Band Assignment:

Warmup on lip slurs and long tones (Hilliard book, or your choice if you have a private teacher.)
Daily exercises: Scales, Chromatic scale, p. 24-53 of Hilliard book (rotate through these a few each day)
Lyrical etude: Keep working on perfecting it.
Syncopated Swing, learn all three parts.
Woodwind duets
I Recommend: complete p. 30 #1-5. Also, p. 10 top line.
I Recommend: Practice p. 21, #1 with these articulations: staccato, leggiero, slur one bar.
Define: syncopation. Come to class with a working definition of this term.
The October pass-off is the chromatic scale in the range for your instrument (see GMEA requirements at www.gmea.org)
Sheet music reminder:
Winchester March
God Bless America
Armed Forces Salute
March Militaire
Review the same terms from last week; sforzando, leggiero, rallentando, ritardando, tenuto, legato.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Band Assignment due 9/20/12

Beginning Band:
I love your eagerness and obvious practice effort this week!  Keep up the great work!  =-)
Remember, not everyone will pass-off each week but it is important to make progress through practice each week...
* Practice correct hold and playing techniques on recorder
* Pass off on "It's Raining", "Old MacDonald", and as far as you can perform to perfection! 
* Research and report verbally 2 facts about the woodwind family of instruments that weren't mentioned in class.
Intermediate Band:
Warmup on Hilliard Book, p. 18 through 22. Pick a different one each day
Scales: GMEA scales for you school grade are found at www.GMEA.org. On the left choose "Band," then "Allstate Band," then scroll down until you see "Allstate Band audition requirements," then choose the grade level and print your scales.
Practice all of these daily.
You will also see the range for your chromatic scale. Practice the chromatic scale.
Pass-off this week on excerpts from "Winchester March."
E1: p. 40 and 41. Practice a different set of 4 from each major key each day. For example, on Saturday, practice #1-4 in the key of concert Bb.  On Sunday, practice #1-4 in the key of concert Eb, etc... rotate through these so you practice one set a day.
Sheet music to practice:
Armed Forces Salute
God Bless America
Winchester March
Advanced Band Assignment:
Warmup on lip slurs and long tones (Hilliard book, or your choice if you have a private teacher.)
Daily exercises: Scales, Chromatic scale, p. 24-53 of Hilliard book (rotate through these a few each day)
Lyrical etude: Pass-off this week!
 Syncopated Swing, learn all three parts.
Woodwind duets
I Recommend: complete p. 30 #1-5. Also, p. 10 top line.
I Recommend: Practice p. 21, #1 with these articulations: staccato, leggiero, slur one bar.
Define: syncopation. Come to class with a working definition of this term.
Sheet music reminder:
Winchester March
God Bless America
Armed Forces Salute
Review the same terms from last week; sforzando, leggiero, rallentando, ritardando, tenuto, legato.
Scripture from this week:
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  He was in the beginning with God.  all things were made through Him, and without Him was not anything made that was made.  In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.  The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it."  John 1:1-5

Friday, September 7, 2012

Band Assignment due 9/13/12

Beginner Band
Great first day of class yesterday!  Looking forward to hearing some great pass-offs on Sept. 13!  =-)
* Read middle section of folder (fingering chart, How to Care..., How to Hold..., How to Play Recorder) as a review I will quiz you on this info.
* Practice correct hold and playing techniques on recorder
* Pass off on "Hot Cross Buns" or work further if you'd like...

Intermediate Band
*Practice Winchester March
*Practice the Bflat scale, using various rhythms (whole notes, half notes, quarter notes, eighth notes) per pitch. Be prepared for anything!
*Begin learning the pitches for the next scale listed in the GMEA scale order....Aflat, I believe.....
*Bring your EE 2000 Book 1 to class, as well as the new books you received yesterday.
*Have a great week!!

Advanced Band Assignment
Lip slurs and long tones (as always)
Daily exercises (as discussed in class)
Chromatic scale (as discussed in class)
GMEA lyrical etude (pass-off on Sept. 20th)
Syncopated Swing (learn all 3 parts!)
Woodwinds: Duets
From I Recommend book: use pencil, p. 30 #1-4, p. 32 #10 line 1 only.
Practice p. 21 #1 and #2 from I Recommend.
Terms to know: sforzando, leggiero, rallent, ando, ritardando, tenuto, legato. This should be review for most of you.

If you read this post, tell me in class next week the name of your favorite musical group/band for a special prize.
Have a blessed and fruitful week!
Ms. Rachel

Scripture of the week: "As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God."
I Peter 4:10

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Band Starts TODay!

We will start all four classes today 12-3pm

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Summer Camp Begins Tuesday!

Hello Music Camp Families!

Looking forward to seeing each of you at Summer Music Camp this coming Tuesday!  So glad you are making plans to join us for some musical fun.

Please plan to meet at Beech Haven Baptist Church Bldg. D at 8:40am on the first day so that we may begin classes by 9am. 

Veteran instrumentalists are to bring their instruments and music books.  All students are to bring a smile and a great attitude!

Looking forward to a great camp!  =-)

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

AAHBand Music Camp

August 21-23, 2012 (Tues.-Thurs.)
from 9:00-12pm
Concert Thursday at 1pm
Beech Haven Baptist Church (Bldg. D) 
Athens, GA
*Bring a lunch if you'd like to picnicat a park with us!
Camp classes are for beginners and experienced players. 
Ages 9 and up.
$30 per student for the entire camp. 
Contact Karen at knmeuph@gmail.com

Friday, April 6, 2012

Band Assignment, due 4/13/12

Beginning Band:

- Breathing exercises

- EE Bk. 1 #86-#89 Daily Warm-Ups

- EE Bk. 1 #147, #105-#109, #110-117 (a pass-off will occur on any of these lines on April 13)

- Mickey Mouse March and Waltz of the Weiner Dogs

* Be sure to work on your MVM requirements- it was sent to you as an email attachment

Don't forget to put in at least 5 days of practice for 30 minutes each this week. It makes all the difference your musical progress and in our band!

Intermediate Band:

- Be sure to work on your MVM requirements- it was sent to you as an email attachment

-Work on all your sheet music:

*March of the Irish Guard

*God Bless the USA

*This is My Country

*Great Movie Adventures

*Themes from the 1812 Overture

Advanced Band:

- Work on MVM requirements

- Practice all sheet music

-Etudes in the Maxwell book, take one a day until you've played through all of them. Practice with the metronome. Set a reasonable tempo and leave the met. on during practice.

-Make sure you know all of your scales through the required ranges plus chromatic scale.

Have a glorious Resurrection weekend!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Band Assignment, due 3/30/12

Beginning Band

- Breathing exercises

- EE Bk. 1 #86-#89 Daily Warm-Ups

- EE Bk. 1 #147, #105-#109, #110-117

- EE Bk. 1 p.43 m.37-48 Count, clap and buzz on mouthpiece

- Mickey Mouse March and Waltz of the Weiner Dogs

* Be sure to practice #90 and #91 for our performance at Lanier Gardens!

Don't forget to put in at least 5 days of practice for 30 minutes each this week. It makes all the difference your musical progress and in our band!

Intermediate Band:

Practice your pieces for the Capitol and for Lanier Gardens!!

*March of the Irish Guard

*God Bless the USA

*This is My Country

Advanced Band:

Practice your pieces!!


*Pink Panther

Shannon, Ben and Katie- be sure to practice your solos so they are ready for our Lanier Gardens performance. =-)

If anyone says, "I love God," yet hates his brother, he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen. I John 4:20

Friday, March 23, 2012

Scripture of the Week

Scripture of the Week
If anyone says, "I love God," yet hates his brother, he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen. I John 4:20

Monday, March 19, 2012

Band Assignment, due 3/23/12

Beginning Band

- Breathing exercises

- EE Bk. 1 #86-#89 Daily Warm-Ups

- EE Bk. 1 #147, #105-#109, #110-117

- EE Bk. 1 p.43 m.37-48 Count, clap and buzz

- Pass offs on 3-23-12: Mickey Mouse or Waltz of the Weiner Dogs (my choice on any section of either piece)

- Mickey Mouse March and Waltz of the Weiner Dogs

* Woodwinds- Be sure to work on going over the break this week. Grip tight and move that thumb! #119-130 are great lines to continue working on.

* Brass- Be sure to practice buzzing to fill up a balloon on the end of your mouthpiece. Keep working on this exercise.

* Percussion- Work on rudiments on p.46-47 (single stroke rolls, double stroke rolls-open-5-7, paradiddles-single-double, flam, flam accent, flam tap.) Be sure to use the VHS I gave you to use this week.


Don't forget to put in at least 5 days of practice for 30 minutes each this week. It makes all the difference your musical progress and in our band!

Intermediate Band:

Practice your pieces!!

*March of the Irish Guard

*Great Movie Adventures

*God Bless the USA

*Themes from 1812

*This is My Country

Be prepared to play an excerpt from Irish Guard and 1812 alone.

Advanced Band:

Practice your pieces!!


*Walking the Blues

*Pink Panther

Be prepared to play an excerpt from Pink Panther.

Have a great week!!!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Band Assignment, due 3/9/12

Beginning Band

- Breathing exercises

- EE Bk. 1 #86-#89 Daily Warm-Ups

- EE Bk. 1 #100-#109, #147 (Woodwinds just work on the first 6 notes, Brass and Percussion work on the whole line)

- Pass off on: Woodwinds- anything I choose #119-130

- Brass and Percussion- anything I choose #147-151

- EE Bk. 1 p.43 m.45-48 Count, clap and buzz the line

- Mickey Mouse March and Waltz of the Weiner Dogs

- Don't forget to work on your solo- you will work with accompanist March 9- last rehearsal before Solo Festival!

* Woodwinds- Be sure to work on going over the break this week. Grip tight and move that thumb!

* Brass- Be sure to practice buzzing to fill up a balloon on the end of your mouthpiece. Keep working on this exercise.

* Percussion- Work on rudiments on p.46-47 (single stroke rolls, double stroke rolls-open-5-7, paradiddles-single-double, flam, flam accent, flam tap.) I'll give you a DVD to use next week.

Don't forget to put in at least 5 days of practice for 30 minutes each this week. It makes all the difference your musical progress and in our band!

Intermediate and Advanced Band

Both bands: practice, practice, practice your solos!! Secondly, practice, practice, practice your pieces of music (a.k.a. Pink Panther, God Bless the USA, etc.) Third, we will be delving further into the books you have. Brush up on your breathing/articulation exercises. There will be a "pop quiz" on a random scale (chosen in class by the instructor). Be prepared!! And, have a great week!!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Band Assignment, due 3/2/12

Beginning Band

- Breathing exercises

- EE Bk. 1 #86-#89 Daily Warm-Ups

- EE Bk. 1 #92-#106, #147 (Woodwinds just work on the first 6 notes, Brass and Percussion work on the whole line)

- Pass off on line #100 or #103 (My choice...=-)

- EE Bk. 1 p.43 m.45-48 Count, clap and buzz the line

- Mickey Mouse March

- Don't forget to work on your solo- you will work with accompanist Feb. 24 also =-)

* Clarinets- Look at and try p. 24 #119-124 for practice on "going over the break". We will try this in class Friday.

* Brass- Be sure to practice buzzing to fill up a balloon on the end of your mouthpiece. Keep working on this exercise.

Intermediate Band

-Work on the Breathing Gym exercises.

-Breath Control exercises, Hilliard p.55 #1-6

-Major Scales, Concert F,Bb, Eb, Ab, Db, Gb, B, E, A, D, G, and C. Pass-off on Db and Gb.

-Blue Maxwell, p. 15, "March No. I and Caveat March" p. 17

Challenge: Come up with a new and creative way to practice your scales and share with the group.

-Chromatic Scale full range

-Solo, 2 play-throughs a day plus work spots.

-This is my Country, God Bless the USA, Themes from 1812 Overture.

Advanced Band

-Breathing gym exercises. They really do work!!!

-Memorize the generic triads

-Hilliard, p. 45-53. Alternate articulations.

-12 major scales full range of your instrument.

Challenge: Come up with a creative new way to practice your scales and share with the group.

-Chromatic scale full range

-Orange Maxwell,"Put it Together" p. 30

-Solo, 2 play-throughs a day plus working spots.

-The Thunderer, Walking the Blues, The Pink Panther. This is my Country, God Bless the USA

-Extra credit: Congratulations to Beth and Ben for writing the triads last week. They will be getting their rewards. Everyone else will have another chance! Read on: On Friday before class or between classes, write the generic triads on the board and sign your name. (Parents, please do not point out that there is an extra credit opportunity, just encourage them to look at their assignments.) I truly want to do this to encourage these kids to look at their own assignments.) Students who see this and write the triads will be given a reward. :-)