Recorder Class
Page 4 of Music page. All eight little exercises.
Intermediate Brass and Percussion
* Rhythm (White Bk.) p.84 m.26-30
* Long Tones (White Bk.) p.14 #2
* Scales- Concert Bb, Ab, Eb
* Lip Slurs (White Bk.) p.18 #1
* EE bk. #138-151
Pass Off on #150 and Eb concert scale
* Sheet Music- Shoo Fly and Lexington March
* Ensembles
Intermediate Woodwind
Woodwind pass-off is "Lexington March."
(Laura is to play the Ab scale two octaves)
Everyone practice the ensembles.
White book: p. 34 #3 (more thirds) Practice with metronome quarter-note =60.
Advanced Brass and Percussion
* Rhythm (White Bk.) p.62#4
* Etude pass-off (Maxwell Bk.) p.17 Four Square
* Scales- concert C,F,Bb,Eb,Ab,Db
* Lip Slurs (White Bk.) p.18#1
* Sheet Music- Love Lifted Me, Intrada, Radetsky March
* Ensembles
Advanced woodwind
- Warm-up of your choice
- 9/10 scales
- Chromatic scale entire range of your instrument
- Band sheet music
- Trio and duet
- Rhythm (White book) p. 62 #4
- Maxwell book: Ex. #3 and p. 17 "Four square" for pass-off. Quarter note =72 final tempo
"Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you." Ephesians 4:32